RCU is Pretty Cool
Table of Contents
“Do you know what is read-copy-update?”
Balázs randomly mumured on a Friday afternoon while I was doom scrolling the endless stream of despair on Memegen some time shortly after the Jan 2023 layoffs. Friday wasn’t one of the team designated RTO days, but I decided to work from office anyway for some focus time, as few people would be coming in.
B: “It’s pretty cool.”
Balázs proceeded to explain to me that read-copy-update, or RCU, is a lock-free mechanism to update data structures that are actively being consumed by asynchronous readers without the usage of locks. It was first introduced into the Linux kernel back in 2002, but discussions and designs date back to the mid 90s. The general idea is that instead of applying a mutex lock to update an asynchronously read data structure, instantiate a copy of the existing data structure and apply changes to the new instance. After the changes are applied, do an atomic update of the pointer from the old instance to the new one. This essentially creates a lock-free update of data change.
Me: “But wouldn’t the updating of the pointer itself also require a lock?”
B: “Not in the Linux kernel. The kernel uses a counter to track all readers. It only updates the pointer when there are no more readers.”
Me: “Okay that’s pretty cool.”
B: “Pretty cool.”
Me: “…”
B: “…”
After heading back to my seat from his window seat overseeing Credit Suisse bankers sipping cocktails on the terrace of their bankruptcy embroiled office, I decided to go read up a bit more about RCU. I think I got the gist of it and will try to explain it myself.
Typically when writing a program using parallelism or concurrency, we wouldn’t want to do something like this:
type FeatureFlags struct {
configs map[string]bool
func(f *FeatureFlags) Update(newConfig map[string]bool) {
f.configs = map[string]bool{}
for k, v := range newConfigs {
f.configs[k] = v
func(f *FeatureFlags) Get(config string) (bool, error) {
if result, ok := f.configs[config]; ok {
return result, nil
return false, errors.New("invalid config")
The Update
method is performing a pointer update that can be accessed
asynchronously by multiple goroutines, which would result in race conditions. To
prevent such errors, we may choose to use a mutex lock.
type SimpleMutexConfigs struct {
m sync.RWMutex
configs map[string]bool
func(c *SimpleMutexConfigs) Update(newConfigs map[string]bool) {
defer c.m.Unlock()
c.configs = map[string]bool{}
for k, v := range newConfigs{
c.configs[k] = v
func(c *SimpleMutexConfigs) Get(config string) (bool, error) {
defer c.m.RUnlock()
if result, ok := c.configs[config]; ok {
return result, nil
return false, errors.New("invalid config")
is a reader lock that multiple async goroutines may concurrently hold.
is a write lock that blocks all read and write locks until it is
unlocked. This would successfully prevent race conditions, but when you have a
program that is high in reads, you create reader pileups leading to latency
spikes every time there’s a config update. This would be especially pronounced
in a system with high read requests of large configuration data structures.
Going by RCU logic, we could a make a copy before safely updating the pointer to the new config data structure.
type PseudoRCUMutexConfigs struct {
m sync.RWMutex
configs map[string]bool
func(c *PseudoRCUMutexConfigs) Update(newConfigs map[string]bool) {
copyConfigs := map[string]bool{}
for k, v := range newConfigs{
copyConfigs[k] = v
defer c.m.Unlock()
c.configs = copyConfigs
func(c *PseudoRCUMutexConfigs) Get(config string) (bool, error) {
defer c.m.RUnlock()
if result, ok := c.configs[config]; ok {
return result, nil
return false, errors.New("invalid config")
The above would achieve the basic idea of RCU. It is not entirely accurate since
actual RCU would have a queue of updates waiting for a kernel grace period
before updating in sequence. Not to mention that the write lock for the pointer
updates is still a blocking lock. We could possibly play around with Golang’s
library to give a more accurate representation, but I think these
examples are close enough.
Let’s run some benchmarks!
We want to test the performance of reads for:
- Simple RW Mutex locking.
- Pseudo RCU where we only do a lock to update the pointer.
- Performance of small vs large configs.
- Performance of reads based on frequency of updates.
It would be pretty clear that by shifting the mutex write lock to safeguard just the pointer update, we would be able to obse…
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4759899 253.5 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 5074174 237.0 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4116626 289.5 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 5048846 238.9 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4667325 255.6 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 5063089 239.1 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4453814 268.4 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 5054824 238.5 ns/op
The shifting of the write lock to include just the pointer update only significantly matters if the config update is incredibly frequent (every 5 nanoseconds), and if the configuration to be copied is large. Such frequency of changes is rare, not to mention that the traditional kernel RCU wasn’t really built for frequent updates due to the piling up of updates awaiting grace periods. Decreasing the updates to 1 per second has already led to no difference between either methods of implementation.
This does not conform to my preconceived notions, I must juke the data.
type AtomicRCUConfigs struct{
configs atomic.Value
func(c *AtomicRCUConfigs) Update(newConfigs map[string]bool) {
copyConfigs := map[string]bool{}
for k, v := range newConfigs{
copyConfigs[k] = v
func(c *AtomicRCUConfigs) Get(config string) (bool, error) {
currentConfigs, ok := c.configs.Load().(map[string]bool)
if !ok {
return false, errors.New("invalid config state")
if result, ok := currentConfigs[config]; ok {
return result, nil
return false, errors.New("invalid config")
There we go. Now that we have entirely stripped out the eXpEnSiVe mutex locks in Golang by swapping in atomic operations, we would be able to confirm my biases.
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4757412 253.7 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 5080617 238.4 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4214394 287.1 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 4991079 241.7 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4639545 257.1 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 4944051 242.6 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4428478 272.5 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 4927450 243.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4776242 251.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 4967343 241.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4559646 264.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 4966724 240.7 ns/op
It would appear that if the frequency of updates is anywhere grounded in reality, the optimisation gains are entirely inconsequential regardless of the size of the data.
Or is that truly the case here? If we look at how the benchmark code is written:
c := &AtomicRCUConfigs{}
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
stopChan := make(chan struct{})
go updater(c, configs, 5*time.Nanosecond, stopChan)
b.Run("Update Small Config frequent", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_, _ = c.Get("feature_0")
Golang benchmarking in the stdlib seems to assign some big number to b.N
loops until a certain timeout, then prints out the total number of operations it
managed to run along with the average nanoseconds per op. As any experienced
backend engineer might have already noticed, average latencies are mostly
useless numbers as it smears the histogram into a single number, making it hard
to profile the performance of the system.
Let’s try adding some percentile tracking logic to each reader goroutine.
func percentile(values []int64, pct float64) float64 {
roughIndex := float64(len(values)/100) * pct
a, b := roughIndex, roughIndex
if math.Floor(roughIndex) != roughIndex {
a = math.Floor(roughIndex)
b = a + 1
if a >= float64(len(values)) {
a = float64(len(values)) - 1
b = a
return (float64(values[int(a)]) + float64(values[int(b)])) / 2
func printPercentiles() {
for testCase, latencies := range percentiles {
sort.Slice(latencies, func(i, j int) bool {
return latencies[i] < latencies[j]
fmt.Printf("%-*s - \tP50:%-*dP90:%-*dP99:%-*dMax:%-*d\n",
50, testCase,
15, int64(percentile(latencies, 50.0)),
15, int64(percentile(latencies, 90.0)),
15, int64(percentile(latencies, 99.0)),
15, int64(percentile(latencies, 100.0)),
Then we create a large channel to receive the metrics.
latencyCh := make(chan latencyMetric, 100000000)
percentiles = map[string][]int64{}
go func() {
for {
metric, ok := <-latencyCh
if !ok {
percentiles[metric.testCase] = append(percentiles[metric.testCase], metric.value)
// .
// .
// .
b.Run("Update Small Config frequent", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
_, _ = c.Get("feature_0")
latencyCh <- latencyMetric{"Simple Mutex - Update Small Config frequent", time.Now().UnixNano() - now}
Tip: Don’t just create async accessed channels with no buffer like so:
make(chan latencyMetric)
. It would cause a choke point for the goroutines
when they are all trying to pump back metric data.
Let’s run the benchmarks again! The results were rearranged and formatted for better legibility.
--Average benchmarks--
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 3715759 320.1 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4084863 297.8 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Small_Config_frequent-8 4307348 285.7 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 4277454 286.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 4508586 271.8 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Small_Config_seldom-8 4509039 271.6 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 3394640 370.3 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4468725 300.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Large_Config_frequent-8 4534879 279.8 ns/op
BenchmarkSimpleMutex/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 4260943 285.0 ns/op
BenchmarkPseudoRCU/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 4504276 265.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicRCU/Update_Large_Config_seldom-8 4470870 264.5 ns/op
--Distribution benchmarks (nanoseconds)--
Simple Mutex - Update Small Config frequent P50:137 P90:32882 P99:289197 Max:2519006
Pseudo RCU - Update Small Config frequent P50:133 P90:31640 P99:226916 Max:1513739
Atomic RCU - Update Small Config frequent P50:84 P90:134 P99:207 Max:26497
Simple Mutex - Update Small Config seldom P50:105 P90:173 P99:281 Max:43536
Pseudo RCU - Update Small Config seldom P50:107 P90:174 P99:273 Max:24992
Atomic RCU - Update Small Config seldom P50:59 P90:123 P99:205 Max:7940
Simple Mutex - Update Large Config frequent P50:350 P90:523505 P99:1243037 Max:5655489
Pseudo RCU - Update Large Config frequent P50:103 P90:147 P99:475 Max:1549957
Atomic RCU - Update Large Config frequent P50:71 P90:101 P99:182 Max:6320
Simple Mutex - Update Large Config seldom P50:110 P90:172 P99:282 Max:282293
Pseudo RCU - Update Large Config seldom P50:108 P90:166 P99:269 Max:8000
Atomic RCU - Update Large Config seldom P50:69 P90:125 P99:204 Max:9743
Now it is extremely clear that while the benchmark averages seem to show almost no optimisation improvements, the distribution tells a very different story. The worst performer here is aligned with our intuition: Frequent locking updates with large configurations are going to cause “large” spikes on the tail latencies. I put “large” in quotes because it’s still just a 1-5ms increase that may not be significant enough to warrant attention for a web service loading data from MySQL.
The cool thing is that just by excluding the copying from the write locks and focus solely on locking the pointer update, we can already significantly reduce tail latencies for configs with seldom updates. The more surprising part was the performance of the atomic operations. Even with freqeunt large config updates, the true lock-free atomic readers are magnitudes faster than the other methods.
With that said, the “magnitudes” of improvements are still within the sub-microsecond range that no one functioning at the L7 networking layer would care for. But we can see how this would be extremely important for performance at the kernel level.
You’re right Balázs, RCU is pretty cool. 😎